
I'm a Dork

Friday, October 29, 2010

That's Impossible

Sometimes when you look at choices in life things can seem quite impossible. It's weird how we can sit there and analyze a decision and think "that will never work out" or "that will never happen." You might really want to take that path but the odds seem so stacked against it that you dismiss it as a pipe dream.

However if you were to go back in time to say 5 or 10 years ago would you guess you'd be where you are at in you life right now? I can guarantee that if 10 years ago someone approached me and said I would be where I am today that I would think that is impossible. The odds would be stacked against it too greatly. But I sit here typing this right now and am doing what I may have once thought as impossible.

This isn't just applicable to one area in life. Say a job for instance. I work with people who have been doing the same thing for the past 30 years. They hate it with a passion. They complain every day about what they are doing. Then I sit and wonder, did they ever have dreams of doing something that they'd love to do? Like for instance I love to write and would love nothing more than to make a living writing books. Does that mean I am going to quit my job and to write full time? Of course not. Does that mean I won't spend my free time writing in hopes of someday making that happen, of course I will. Even if it doesn't work out I would hate myself for not trying.

That goes for everything in life. No matter how much the odds might be against it, never dismiss it out right. How could you live with yourself if you didn't even try. The guilt of inaction will always be greater than dealing with trying and failing. Besides, you might just be surprised at how easy the impossible is to achieve.

---Edit--- This was written at what could best be described as a turning point in my life. At the time it seemed like what I wanted out of life could not possibly happen. I seriously cannot think of a situation that would seem more hopeless. But much as I wrote about in this entry, what seemed to be impossible did in fact happen. A year and a half later, the life that I dreamed about having I now have. Kind of amazing looking back but for once the bullshit words I was uttering were very true.

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