
I'm a Dork

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Training for Mon, and Tues. Diet

Yesterday was my squat workout.
I performed around 6 warm up sets ramping up in weight. I went +10 pounds from last week and did 2 sets of 5 reps (this is a drop from the 8 reps of the previous two weeks.) This was a modest increase but seeing as how my squat has suffered this training cycle due to various factors (my first week I blew out both quads, then I strained my left knee) so I decided to stay conservative for a couple more weeks. Next week I will go up 20 pounds. This week was just in a belt, next week I will add in squat briefs.

Good Mornings with Arched Back- 3 sets of 10 reps. I dropped down 35 pounds from my squat. I was extremely fatigued during this exercise. Not enough rest I think.

Standing Calf Raises - 2 sets of 15 reps.
Step ups using dumbells- 2 sets of 10 reps.
Leg Extensions- 2 sets of 15 reps.

I called it a day. Was abnormally fatigued. I could barely breathe by time I got to the good mornings. Haven't slept a lot lately though so that could be a factor. Especially over the weekend with all the hoo-hah going on. Anyways it wasn't the worst workout, the squats went great which is what is most important.

I passed out shortly after completing this workout getting some much needed sleep.

Tues- This is an off day (meaning I will either do some GPP work or just do nothing at all if I feel like I need to the recovery time). Since it is an off day I am using it as a low carb day on my carb cycling. That means I drop my carb intake much lower than normal and increase my fat intake to compensate for the drop in carbs. I also added in a meal to help control hunger better and break down meals even smaller.

5:30 am- 10 egg whites, 2 whole eggs and 1/8 cup of grits

8:30 am- 3 scoops of protein powder, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, blended with water and ice. - This fucking tasted great lol.

11:00 am- 10 oz. of pork chops, 1 cup of fat free cottage cheese.
1:30 pm- 43 grams of natural almonds, 1 scoop of protein powder mixed with water.
4:00 pm- one pure protein carmel peanut bar. One can of light tuna in water.
7:00 pm- 6 oz. pork chop and 1/2 cup of greek yogurt.

Still debating if I want to do some light cardio work such as hitting the heavy bag or stairclimbing. I feel like doing it but also feel like I was feeling a bit over trained yesterday so I may just take it easy. If I get hungry later I will have another can of tuna.

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