
I'm a Dork

Friday, January 13, 2012

I Hate Being Sick

There I said it. I hate being sick and do not react well to it in the least. I am a big old baby and want to just curl up and die when I am sick. I hate anything that I think debilitates me whether it is a cold, flu, fever blister, poison ivy rash, or an out break of genital warts.

I don't have genital warts mind you but I have to imagine that I would hate if I had an out break of them all the same. You see you don't have to try things to know you would not like it. Some things, like herpes, gay sex, or getting fisted I just know I would not like to experience.

So this latest bout of sickness started on Sunday. For weeks at work I had been bombarded with genetically inferior sickly piss ant motherfuckers spreading their filthy degenerative sicknesses around the offices. Seriously what kind of piece of shit subhuman child raping scumbag would show up to work sick? The same kind of sick fucks that have herpes or aids and fuck other people without telling them. Sorry but a sickness is a sickness and you have no right to spread your filthy diseases and illnesses to innocent people. There would be no health care problems in this country if not for losers who go to work while being sick. If you are sick keep your week genetically inferior fucked up ass at home. You seriously deserve to die otherwise.

So after weeks of fighting off repeated exposure to low life sick people I finally felt a tickle in my throat on Sunday. I knew what this was a sign of but I tried to be in denial. Missy and I loaded up in the car and went over to lowes to buy some concrete blocks to put in the dragging sled we made. I ended up buying about 200 pounds worth of blocks for about 7 dollars which wasn't too bad. Once we got home we gave it a go and did some sprints while dragging a weighted sled behind us. These are intense under the best of circumstances but they were even harder because of the chest congestion I was feeling.

You see, while other people I work with just go home and pulp their lazy asses down and play video games and drink beer I am actually busting my ass smashing fucking weights and doing sprints and other conditioning drills. For them being sick is a minor inconvenience where as for me it affects my training which to me is the most important thing in my life outside of Missy's Boobies (honk honk).

So on Monday my chest congestion was far worse and extremely painful. I still muscled through a training session. It was not easy but we nailed a great squat/deadlift training session. Tuesday I felt even worse. I somehow managed to still bust out a quick but intense shoulder and lat training session. I set a pretty big personal record on overhead press so I was happy. Wednesday was absolutely brutal and I barely managed to scrap by. Missy and I both came to the conclusion that it was in my best interest to push back that night's training session another day to try and recover. Unfortunately Thursday I was doing worse. Chest congestion was now joined with head congestion, fever, cold chills, and long balls that kept falling out of my shorts.

Thursday we decided to hold back our training yet again. It would probably do more harm than good at this point. I don't like missing training for being lazy but I have no problem when it is the right thing to do and in this case it was the right thing to do. That is why Missy is great, she tells me earlier that my non-erect penis looks like a big muffin, and she helps guide my training. An objective observer who's opinion I can trust. She can let me know when I am being lazy and when I am being smart. The perfect trainer and she is smoking hot so me and my blueberry muffin win out on all accounts.

Today is Friday and I am still feeling like shit. My head is no longer congested thanks to clariton but I am still coughing like crazy. We are going to train tonight. A quick but intense dynamic bench press session. Just 4 lifts but we will hit them heavy and hard and get in and out. These can be the best training sessions you will ever have. Boring but strength and size builders.

And just for the record Missy got sick before me and didn't falter for one second. She trained right alongside me without complaint and helped work on the gym and always woke up early to make breakfast and do other things for me. She really is a champ because I am a total weeny when I am sick but she troopered through. That is why women have children and men don't. We would cave under the pressure.

Alright I am done with this shit for right now.

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