This entry was supposed to be about nutrition and I actually typed out about three paragraphs before I got bored and erased the fucking thing. I am sick and have been downing cough medicine and a battery of other things and while I don't feel any less sick I do feel half a buzz and the last thing I want to do is write about what foods to eat.
I have a problem speaking or typing before really thinking about what I am saying. Case in point, I had to explain to a female human resource lady at my work what man-ranch is. Now of course I made up some strange concoction that I dubbed man-ranch but to be honest to 99.99% of the population man-ranch could only mean one thing. Luckily she joked it off but this is about the fourth time I have said asinine things in front of her. Don't get me wrong, I don't single her out or anything, it is just that I say so many off the wall things that I end up crop dusting everyone a time or two at the least.
One problem is that I work among men. We have plenty of females who work for our company but my department is all male and we have a pretty sick sense of humor and that doesn't bode well for me.
Some of my recent one liners--
"Sex isn't fun unless you have a risk of catching an std."
"I am driving, otherwise how would Dan be able to give me road head."
"I would never fuck a man that is willing. That would be gay."
"Coming to work with a cold and spreading it to other fucking people is no different than having aids and fucking chicks and not telling them."
As you can see I say some weird and off the wall shit. Anyone who really knows me knows that it is just harmless fun. I am not a man-rapist and nor do I believe in loose moral behaviors. I am a very moral person but I like to joke. But not everyone knows me that well so when I happened to say my daily route was consisting of me "finding a secluded parking lot and rubbing one out" it came as quite a shock to that same Human Resources lady from earlier who happened to walk into our office at the exact moment I said that. Now again she laughed that off but I am sure inside somewhere she wonders how some psychopath like myself ever got hired in the first place.
I am just ranting and raving and I have kind of earned that right. I am sick as fuck but I still hit a pretty damn big PR (personal record) last night doing overhead presses despite being sick. I am trying to take it easy tonight to give my body a chance to heal. I know I won't be 100% by tomorrow but I can hopefully get over the massive chest congestion and cold chills and have a productive training session. I hate missing one but there is no point in pushing yourself for the sake of pushing yourself even if it is counter productive. Training hard is never a substitute for training smart. Otherwise all those assholes who never miss a day at the gym in 10 years would be the biggest and strongest but instead they are still small and weak. The big and strong guys get in, bust ass and get out. They know how to turn it on and get the fuck out.
I want to close by saying I love you Missy for being able to put up with my semi-who know's what ass. You are a saint.
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