A very rambling title for a very rambling post. I am starting to disdain writing entries about a single subject. It is hard enough to write entire chapters in a book where all you are doing is taking the characters from point A to Point B. You know where you are and where you want to go but how the hell do you get there and make it interesting.
One of the most boring aspects of playing Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games (MMORPG for short) like World of Warcraft is having to waste a bunch of time traveling from one part of the game world to another. It is wonderful having an entire world created to interact with but half the quests you are sent on send you from one end to another. Of course they had different modes of somewhat quicker travel, but at the end of the day you spend a lot of time running from one zone to another.
A book can be just the same. There are many authors and many methods of writing and I won't presume to talk about them all but I will describe the way that I write. First I usually start with a brief idea. It might be a dream, something I see on television, a painting, or even in the past a toy from my childhood. The current book I am writing all started from a brief encounter I wrote for a dungeon and dragons game. I never played that game much but I went through a brief bout where some of my friends and I played it and I wanted to give a go at writing my own adventure. So I came up with this brief idea about a squire and a druid at a small pub who end up embroiled in a fight that ends up taking them to a nearby cave.
The story I am writing starts remarkably similar to that. Sure there are minor differences here and there but you can look back to that basic outline and see that it has remained consistent. Over time before I put anything to paper I fleshed out more and more of the story in my head. Before long I had a general outline that I knew could make up an entire novel.
Right now I am a bit over a hundred pages in and very happy with how it is going. I am genuinely excited to see how things will play out although I do already know how they will end. That is the problem, I might know where certain characters have to be at a certain point in the story, but how the fuck do I get them there.
One problem I noticed with fantasy books is that so much time is spent just traveling about. Page after page you read of characters walking about, and quite frankly you are bored out of your mind. I am trying to avoid that clinch (editors note- I think he meant cliche as this is not an MMA bout but a blog entry). I write in six page blocks (which in a book format actually ends up being about 10 pages) and make sure that something happens within two blocks that keeps me excited. The last thing I want is for someone to read my book and fall asleep half way through a chapter. I want people to not want to put the book down because they want to see how the characters get out of their current situation.
Book Review
God King- Book Three of the Sigmar Triology. Warhammer Time of Legends Series.
For those unfamiliar with Warhammer Fantasy (pretty much everyone except the mega dorks like me) it started as a tabletop miniature battle game. It soon grew to encompass a role playing game, video games, comic books, and several novels. It has had several spin offs including a parody of American Football (Called Blood Bowl) and a Science Fiction Game (warhammer 40,000) that has its own novels and video games. The current Warhammer Fantasy tabletop game is in its 8th Edition (heaving debuted in 1983 I believe).
Warhammer is basically like a Chinese Buffet of Fantasy tropes. Almost every aspect of the game is a parody of real world things. For instance the Kingdom of Brettonia is based upon France and England during the hundred years wars along with Arthurian legend. There is a Green Knight (based up Sir Gawain and the Green Knight) and a lady of the lake, Grail Knights, Questing Knights, and etc. Another realm is called the Southlands and is very much based upon South American aborigines, only in warhammer they are lizard people who ride giant dinosaur looking things into battle.
None of this is really relevant to the book God Kind (Ed- King). The book takes place in the Warhammer setting about 2,500 years before the tabletop game is set in. The book follows Sigmar, who founded the Empire of man, the largest and strongest of all human realms. In the tabletop game the modern Empire is very closely modeled on the Holy Roman Empire of around the 16th century. In God King the setting is strongly influenced on Ancient Germanic tribes. In the story the tribes which Sigmar unite to form the Empire have names like Tuetogens, Ubergeons, Jutones, Asoborns, and the like. Those names bear many similarities to real ancient Germanic tribes (for instance the Jutones compare to the real world Jutes).
If you enjoy Ancient Germanic history and the culture of the early Germanic tribes you will probably enjoy the book. Of course if you are a fan of the warhammer game you will likewise probably enjoy the book as well. The book keeps a pretty fast pace and you never really get the sense that it drags on just for the sake of filler. Maybe in a few areas here or there but not nearly as much as other stories. I just finished reading an 800+ page book that while good could of easily been a 400 page book and nothing would of been lost.
If you are not a fan of the warhammer game or Ancient Germanic culture than you might be a little let down by the book. While I found it an enjoying read it did seem to be very simplistically written. Very similar to how my blog is written very simple and raw. I rarely if ever even re-read a post before I post it (Trust me I know- Editor). I just type whatever pops in my head and hit send. My novel on the other hand I read and read and read and read to make sure everything is up to my standard.
In God King I just felt like one too many times that I couldn't picture what was written actually playing out. Maybe in a book it was okay but if you tried to act it out it would be a mess. I am reminded of that famous quote that Harrison Ford said to George Lucas during the making of Star Wars "You might be able to write this stuff but you sure as hell can't say it." Actually I have read about four variations of that quote but that one is the one I thought was the best.
When I write (editors note- seriously Jason start reading over what you write you miss entire words) everything plays out in my head like a movie. Every time I finish a chapter I have Missy read it and she always says the same thing. "I can picture it all in my head just like a movie." If I read what I write and I can't see it actually looking real to me I know that I need to re-write it. I have to care about the people I am writing about and if I see them live and in the flesh in my head then I care.
I just don't get that sense when I read God King. To me it felt like the author was just out for a paycheck. That is not to say he was but that is just the impression I got. I stopped reading it so many times and just thought "this makes no damn sense, why is the greatest champion of mankind weeping and running through the woods again." Seriously I lost track of how many times Sigmar started weeping for no real good reason. It got to the point that I wondered if he founded the greatest human empire or the emo movement.
Well I have had some random thoughts and a book review but what about a sore back? Well that is from the training yesterday. My back, legs, and lats are all sore. As I sat here typing this entry I was reminded of that. This chair is uncomfortable and I just want to go lay down with Missy and enjoy the rest of Valentines Day. She is a God send and I have so much to be happy about this holiday so I will close this for now. From here on out I plan on splitting blog entries equally between training logs and articles, random thoughts, reviews of books and movies, updates about my book, and things pertaining to my many hobbies. While everyone knows I compete in powerlifting and love to train and write stories there are many other things I do. I like to make model scenery and even paint and do many of what I term "nerd" things. I want to talk more about that because quite frankly I get bored just writing comedy entries. I know a lot of people love reading the funny stuff but to me it gets old after while.
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