Training went well last night. Utilizing our new power rack we worked up on a 2 board press. Missy nailed a three rep max and I hit a 2 rep max. Because of the bench we were using inside the power rack I had a problem unracking the weight which really affected my tight set up. All the same I did hit a fairly big 2 rep max so I was happy. We then followed that up with rack lockouts. I grinded out a tough one but Missy hit a really nice triple and I was very proud. Here is an outline of our training.
Max Effort Lift- 2 Board Press
3 Sets of 1-3 reps Rack Lockouts
The following four lifts were performed as 2 giant sets with very heavy weights used.
Incline Dumbbell Press
Dumbbell Rows
Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
Hammer Curls
The max effort lift and heavy rack lockouts had already taken us an hour so we decided to condense the accessory work into one big giant set performing each lift for about 10-12 reps. Used weights that we could only just barely finish each lift. You will notice that we started with a compound pushing lift (incline dumbbell press) and then followed that with a compound pulling lift (dumbbell rows) and then did an isolation pushing (tricep extensions) and then an isolation pulling (hammer curls). This was done on purpose to utilize opposing muscle groups and allow for a small amount of recovery.
All in all it was a great day. Broke another PR which seems to be happening on a regular basis for both of us. Couldn't be more proud of our progress.
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