It seems that the ambiguity of my previous entry entitled "It's Complicated" has led to many people making assumptions on just what I meant by that post. Much like the mysterious suitcase in the movie Pulp Fiction, there have been many wild guesses as to what question was asked of me and what my answer was. It is comical the range of guesses that have been leveled my way on the subject in the past day.
Let me let any readers of this blog in on a deep dark secret. Yes, unlike the movie Pulp Fiction, I am going to reveal the secret nature behind the entry. There was no question nor was their any answer. Remember the whole point of a macguffin is that it is irrelevant to what is trying to be told.
One movie I have always been fond of is the movie The Prophecy. I found the unique take on Angels that coincides much closer to their depiction in the bible rather than what we are presented with in popular culture to be quite interesting. One particular scene early in the movie has a detective encountering a mysterious man in his apartment. The mystery man is actually an Angel but the Detective (formerly a seminary student studying to be a priest before having visions of angels locked in a vicious war) is unaware of this at the time. The Angel, named Simon (portrayed by Eric Stolz), asks the Detective, "Do you believe you are part of God's plan?" To which the Detective responds "That's a complicated Question". Simon then replies, "No it isn't".
So yes I basically based the entry off an obscure movie scene reference. I found it to be an interesting exchange that often pops in my head. As I skimmed through facebook I noticed someone on my friends list in the matter of only a couple hours relationship status went from "In a relationship" to "It's Complicated" and back again several times. I think this back and forth lasted no less than 5 turnabouts before settling on It's Complicated. I found this quite ironic and only guessed that the person and their significant other were going through some kind of squabble and the person was using their facebook profile to fuel the fire.
Does that mean the entry is insignificant? Not at all. There were certainly aspects that related back to my current life but so far it has complete defied any ones attempts to dissect it. This is understandable though as I flipped back and forth several times throughout the entry. I purposely left things very vague to keep people guessing just what the hell I meant. Add in that I was not even sure where I was going with it. I only had a vague idea of what I was talking about when I began it.
Is my life a Shakespearean tragedy? I certainly hope not, because quite frankly many of his plays did not end on a particularly high note. That does not mean I was just pulling words out of my ass, as certainly I could draw many parallels but probably not in the way most of you would guess. One secret I will reveal, there is only one person who knows just what the fuck half the shit I say really even means, besides myself.
I find a certain amusement drawing people in and then confusing them by back tracking on what I say. Who knows maybe there really was a question and an answer. Maybe the movie the Prophecy never even entered into my head when I wrote the blog and only later used that movie quote to justify the post. Maybe it is not meant for you to know.
In life not everything has a simple answer. The whole story does not always make sense at the end. This is no after school tv special. Next time you read an entry and wonder if I meant something behind the post, chances are I did. Chances are though you are wrong about what I meant. I only really explain myself to one person. Why is that? I have a strong urge for at least one person to understand me. For everyone else I'd just like for you to read on...
I have some more funny stories on the horizon, so don't worry if you are tired of all the self reflection.
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