Well Well Well. It has been sometime since my last blog entry and before that they were few and far between. There was a reason for this, and while I cannot go into all the details, I can explain some of it away. My life has changed so dramatically in the last 2 weeks I could fill an entire book, but for the sack of my poor fingers I will give the "cliff's notes" version.
It should of been apparent to the readers of my blog that someone new entered my life a couple of months ago. I all but spelled it out in several different entries. In fact it kind of surprised me that only a few people ever questioned me about it, and even then it was only after I went over the top with it. People sometimes tend to overlook things right in front of their face.
Some time back I went on and on about how I had met someone new who I was basing a character I was writing off of. I had tried for sometime to write for the character and found that I simply could not. Then I met this person and everything started to make perfect sense. We had actually met briefly back in March at a show but did not talk again until September. She instantly struck me with her complex personality and intelligence.
As I got to know her better, we found that we had quite a bit of things in common. It was almost to the point of being freakish how many things we had in common. It did not take me long to realize that I did not have to base the character in my story off of her, she was in fact that character. When thinking up this character, all the traits, both physical description and personality, I wanted it to be everything I pretty much wanted. It was there the entire time and as I talked to her I realized she was everything I envisioned that character to be. Everything that character was to be, was what I wanted.
I could go on for pages about how complicated things were and how crazy the situation played out. Suffice to say that a couple of months ago I realized I really wanted to be with this new person but never thought in a million years it would ever happen. There were simply too many things standing in between us. I could honestly write a book about it that would rival anything Shakespeare ever came up with.
Here is the really crazy thing though. This girl, the one who I wanted to be with so badly but knew could never be with, is sitting right beside me on the sofa as I type this.
Not really much else to say to be honest. This person I wanted to be with so badly that seemed to be so impossibly unattainable is sitting right beside...
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